Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tuesday, March 2

 Hi parents,

We had a good Tuesday today!

In the morning, we used Google Earth to find various landmarks in Calgary, including some people's houses! 

Blog Homework:

Find your own house on Google Earth! Draw a sketch of the front of your house. 

The students had Music class this morning, and then we did a Writing Prompt in which the students had to write predictions about what would happen next. When we left off, Junie B. had just called 9-1-1 because she was stuck in the school. The students' responses were creative, funny, and often pretty accurate!

We did a quick math activity where the students were given a series of addition and subtraction problems that were missing the + and - signs. Just to give you a few examples....

19  __ 10 = 29

37 ___ 4 = 33

100 __ 40 = 60

19 ___ 2 = 21

The students caught on to these pretty quickly and blasted through them.

In the afternoon, we did Daily 5 and Spelling Practice. We almost finished reading Junie B. Jones. At the end of the day, the students received copies of Moira's Birthday by Robert Munsch. 

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14