Monday, March 1, 2021

Monday, March 1

 Hi parents,

We had a good Monday today, full of pretty typical Monday activities.

In the morning, the students wrote about what they did on the weekend in their journals. I challenged them to also include a sentence about their 'favourite music' as of right now, as a nod to our music activity from last week. I'm hoping the students will develop more appreciation for different kinds of music and be less complain-y when we do Music at school!

Ms. Rehill challenged the students to use rulers and meter sticks to measure 5 different distances or objects outside. They did a great job with this and I found it interesting to see which students measured using 'centimetres' and which students measured using 'ruler lengths'. Both are valid approaches in Grade 1/2.

We talked about communities, cities, provinces, countries and continents. We used Google Earth to find where Lake Bonavista School is on earth.

In the afternoon we did Daily 5 and spelling practice.

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14