Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tuesday, Feb. 9

 Hi parents,

We had a great morning and a tough afternoon today. I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the fact that we've been unable to go outside for recess. 

In the morning, the students learned how to use rulers to measure. This is also a more challenging skill than you'd expect! Students often get mixed up and use the inches side of the ruler, or measure starting at the wrong end without noticing. I think we made some great progress today though!

The students also had Music class. With Valentines right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to get the students to write about 'love'. They wrote sentences using the prompts: "Love is..." and "Love isn't...". 

We read a Valentines Poem aloud as a class. We practiced spelling using hearts for o's. We did some very peaceful, very quiet reading. The end of the day was loud and a bit crazy. The students are struggling quite a bit with cleanups, which seems to be a recurring theme with my classes so I think I am at least partially responsible.

Tomorrow is our school "Valentines Day". Unfortunately, we are not allowed to do a traditional Valentines exchange because of Covid rules. I think the idea is that we want to avoid things being sent to and from school, in case those things have germs on them. Of course, the kids will still be going back and forth between home and school, so who knows.

In any case, we are still allowed to make Valentines at school and send them home, so the plan is to do a 'Secret Santa' (secret cupid?) type of Valentines Day tomorrow. It won't be our usual Valentines Day rager, but it will still be fun. :)

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14