Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday, February 8

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today, although it was a very typical Monday. I have to get going pretty quickly so I'm just going to summarize what we did and hopefully that will help to prompt some discussions at home!

-Weekend Journals (Self explanatory)

-Fill in the Blanks Math.  (for example, _ + _ = 9.    _ + _ - 4 = 42) These problems give students an opportunity to be creative with math and see that there are many ways to reach an answer!

-Measurement Snakes (Students drew snakes that corresponded in length to various classroom objects)

-Spelling Practice (EMOJI O's. Students wrote their spelling words and turned the o's into emojis)

-Quiet Reading

-Gym (noodle tag)

We had to stay inside all day due to the freezing cold weather, and that took a bit of a toll on student morale. Grumpiness was up at least 30% in the afternoon, although the kids did do an excellent job working in the morning. We all miss Ms. Thaxter too.

Have a nice night!


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