Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thursday, February 18

 Hi parents,

Happy 100th Day of School!

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we learned about the continent of South America. The students were already quite knowledgable about the wildlife, and had lots of stories to share about poisonous frogs.

We had Music class, and then the students responded to the writing prompt: "When I am 100 years old..." They did an amazing job with this one! Once again, multiple students shattered their previous writing records. I had a lot of fun reading their creative and funny responses too. But I did not have fun hearing that I apparently already look like I'm 100 years old.

The students did a math activity where they counted up quantities of animals and recorded data. There were 100 animals in all. 

We learned that the largest whale ever was 100 feet long, and then measured 100 feet in our hallway - it was all the way from our classroom to the Lost & Found bins!

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz, and we haven't practiced as much this week as we usually do, so last minute studying is not a bad idea. It is also School Shirt day.

Here is some footage from a recent Explore and Play experiment:

Have a nice night!


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