Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday, February 19

 Happy Friday!

We had a great day today and did a bunch of different activities.

In the morning, the students were supposed to write about what they'd do if they had $100, but they informed me that we'd already done that writing prompt this year (and pretty recently too!) so instead they responded to the prompt: "If I had 100...." This gave them the chance to be creative and decide for themselves what they hypothetically had 100 of. Their responses were as creative as ever and I really enjoyed reading them.

We did our spelling quiz and I was blown away by the number of students who challenged themselves to do List C! Some students who had never even practiced it ended up getting quite a few words correct just because they took their time and sounded them out. Building that strong understanding of word families, word parts, and letter blends is the best part of having consistent weekly spelling tasks.

The students reviewed what we'd discussed yesterday about 100-foot whales, and then they drew and measured their own much smaller whales in their sketchbooks.

We did the 100-second challenge, in which students had to do a variety of tasks in 100 seconds and see how many repetitions they could fit in. Tasks included writing their name, doing squats, and hopping on one foot.

Have a nice weekend!


PS: I had planned to show this video to the class today but ran out of time. It could be interesting to watch at home and have a discussion about! 

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Pajama Day - March 14