Friday, December 11, 2020

Spelling Words (Week of Dec. 13)


What's going on with List A??  Could it be some elven mischief?

Actually, I've wanted to do a nonsense word spelling list for a while now, and I thought our last week of school would be a great opportunity to do so. Every year, I notice that many students are reluctant to write because they are afraid of making spelling mistakes, and as such, they deny themselves opportunities to practice letter sounds and 'inventive spelling'. The words on List A are an excellent way to help students understand how letters can be rearranged to spell anything, even words that don't exist - yet. I hope this will help kids realize that by knowing the alphabet, they have all the tools they need to write independently.

List B is just festive.

Why Nonsense Words are Worth Learning (for parents):,(even%20big%20dinosaur%20words.)

Sounding out Nonsense Words:

Jack Hartmann Alphabet Sounds:

Jack Hartmann (counting video):

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