Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday, December 11

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today, which is nice because it was our last 'school Friday' of the year!

In the morning, the students did their spelling quizzes, and we went outside for a quick, chilly visit to the garden to check on our last egg shelter. 

When we got back to the classroom, the students continued to work on their Culture / Identity artwork. They wrote words and sentences on strips of paper and glued them onto the painted background, above the pictures of themselves. These sentences reflected their personal values, culture, and interests, and were mostly derived from the family culture interview sheets that were sent home a couple weeks ago. Students who did not return the forms still did a great job with this task - they wrote down things that they knew were important to their families.

For math, the students drew tables in their sketchbooks with the headings "EVEN" and "ODD". They were given sheets with a variety of 2-D shapes, and asked to sort these shapes based on whether they had an even or odd number of sides. They cut out the shapes and glued them into the appropriate columns. Here is a copy of the sheet, in case you want to try it at home.

We ended the day with Daily 5. The students also debunked the hilarious "Blue Baby" myth.

Have a nice weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Ahaha the blue baby has been a topic of discussion in our house as well 😂 I told Wyck it used to be “Bloody Mary”!


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Pajama Day - March 14