Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday, November 4

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today! 

In the morning, we watched two short videos about Remembrance Day, which I will include links to below, and we had a great class discussion about them. The students really impressed me with their 'inferential' skills. After watching the second video, I asked, "Why do you think the boy is thanking his grandpa?", and a student answered, "Because his grandpa was in the war. He is thanking him for helping to make the world a nicer place."

Bell Poppy Commercial:

Dieppe Commercial:

Watching the videos we watch in class is an awesome way to help students reflect on our discussions, consolidate new learning, and put ideas into their own words. I'm sure they would enjoy explaining the videos to you as well. :)

I've mentioned before that class discussions are a lot more difficult this year because we can't meet together at the carpet, but today's discussion gave me hope!

The students wrote in their journals in response to the writing prompt: "Peace means..." Students who finished quickly attempted to write acrostic poems with the word PEACE.

We learned about the letter "J" today (I'm trying to pick up the pace with our Animated Literacy lessons...) and practiced spelling.

In the afternoon, we had Gym, Daily 5, and an art lesson where the class learned how to draw a soldier. 

I'm happy to report that due to the nice weather, we've been going outside for snack and body break, which has allowed us to cut back our daily screen time to only about 10 minutes!

Have a nice night,


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