Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday, November 5

 Hi parents,

Today was another great day for our class. I feel like we are fully back on track now after a few off-days. :)

In the morning, the students had Music, and watched a video read-aloud of "The Story of The Poppy". We talked about how poppies are sold to raise money for veterans, and the students made connections to have Terry Fox also raised money to help those in need. We had a discussion about what the word "Veteran" means and I think it would be good to follow up with that one at home, because a lot of students may still be mixing it up with veterinarian.

On our nature walk this morning, we happened to encounter someone cutting down their withered, giant sunflowers. Many students picked up the severed heads (of sunflowers), put them in bags, and took them home. I hope that if nothing else, the kids are starting to realize that taking time to explore their surroundings can be a lot of fun! 

We watched a short video about why humans shiver when we're cold. The class wrote down ideas and drew pictures of the other ways people stay warm in the cold winter months.

In the afternoon, we read the story "If You Give A Mouse a Cookie", and then the students brainstormed their own ideas for a formulaic children's series. The ideas were so awesome that some kids are going to actually turn them into books tomorrow! It's always nice to find activities to extend into bigger projects, and in a Montessori classroom, it's extra easy to give those extension options to students who are interested.

We had a fun and rainy recess and a saw a double rainbow - a very clear one too!

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz - good luck with your last minute studying!

Have a nice night,



  1. I heard about the rainbow and we now have a lovely sunflower head to add to our collection lol.

    Thanks for the great day!


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Pajama Day - March 14