Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tuesday, November 24

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! In the morning, the students had Music, and did an activity about sentence writing. For this activity, they had to cut out pictures, and arrange them in the proper order to form a sentence. We talked about how most sentences contain a subject, an action, and often a time / place. For instance, "The boy played at home." We talked about how a sentence that does not contain an action or subject doesn't really make any sense - for instance, "Played at home" can not exist independently as a sentence.

Sentence writing and grammar can be quite challenging. I think the best way for kids to learn at this age is to start with short, simple sentences, and give plenty of examples and non-examples of complete sentences.

We read the story "Same Difference" this morning and had a great discussion about the message behind it, which is basically that appearances don't really matter at all - it's what's on the inside that matters!


We spent a lot of time today with work period time, so that the kids could finish up their work from yesterday. I hope you are all having great conversations at home about family! Thank you to the parents who have already sent their interviews back, I appreciate it!

Have a nice day,


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