Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Freezer Feastival Message

 Hello parents of Lake Bonavista School! 


We need your help. Our Freezer Feastival fundraiser has been a success and now we need to get all the purchases into the vehicles! This Friday, November 27, we are in need of 6 more volunteers for curbside pick-up of orders. This will be done safely outside adhering to COVID-19 protocols. The weather is looking lovely for Friday, please come prepared with a mask and appropriate outerwear. 


The time slots available are 3 people from 12:00 - 3:15 pm for deliveries, and 3 people from 3:15 - 4:15 for cleanup.


These proceeds from our fundraising events benefit our children. If you are able to take the time this Friday, please contact me directly at or if you have received a sign up genius from this address, please sign up there.


If you are unable to help this time and would like to be on the volunteer list, please send me a note and I will add your information. This list is used when volunteer opportunities are available.


Thank you very much!


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Pajama Day - March 14