Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday, October 21

 Hi parents,

Today the class was a bit loud and crazy and it kind of detracted from what would otherwise have been a great day.

In the morning, we talked about how belonging to different groups can help to enrich our lives, and affect our sense of self (in less complicated words). We discussed how we are all part of our family, our classroom, our community, and our province, all at the same time. We also talked about how we can also be part of things like Brownies, Sports Teams, and religious groups. The students created detailed pages to illustrate and label the different groups they are a part of. The classroom was very loud but the quality of work was still fantastic. 

We worked on those for most of the morning. In the afternoon, the class regressed to Kindergarten-mode and we had to practice lining up, walking in the hallways, and listening respectfully. I explained to the class that those sorts of mundane practice sessions may not be fun, but they ultimately help to enrich our experience at school. For instance, when kids are constantly talking over me, lessons take twice as long, which means they have to sit and listen for longer, have less time to work, and ultimately miss out on free choice time. When we take forever to line up, we end up losing time that would've otherwise been spent in the gym. That conversation seemed to go over well, but then after recess the students were right back at it. On a side note - it may be worth having a chat about how pencils can not actually be used to administer flu shots.

We ended our day with work period, and another scary story by request. I talked to the class about "Favourite Shirt Day" on Friday, October 23.  They shared a few of their ideas with me at the end of the day, and it was cool to hear their reasoning behind why certain clothing articles were their favourites. I think it says a lot about how unique each person in our classroom is! 

Halloween Classics at Canyon Meadows Cinema!

This has absolutely nothing to do with school, but Canyon Meadows Cinemas is showing a lot of different Halloween classics during October, and on October 23, they're bringing in Monsters Inc. Just in case anyone is looking for something fun to do with the family leading up to Halloween.


  1. Oh that movie is a great idea! Sounds like an exhausting day, I’m glad the kids could still learn something amongst the chaos, even if it is already things they “know”.

  2. I've never taught a Grade 1/2 class that never needed extra hallway / line up practice. I think it's just inevitable that they eventually become "too comfortable" with classroom routines and start to get a little bit careless. Today was much better!


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Tuesday, March 11

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we zeroed in on one of the common issues students faced with their paragr...