Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday, October 20

 Hello families,

We had a great day today! Maybe the best Tuesday of the year in fact.

We started the day off with some addition problems. Students were able to choose which difficulty level seemed best for them.  I've noticed that this group seems exceptionally motivated when it comes to math problems, so I noticed many students challenging themselves to do much more than just the four questions I'd asked them to complete. 

I read a book aloud to the class called "I can". It was about a big brother who was showing his younger sister how to do things. The students wrote in their journals about things that they can do, and things they are still learning how to do. We started with the sentence starters: "I can..." and "I am learning to..."

We had our first official Music class today and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. This year, Ms. Proctor is teaching Music to grade 1/2 students. Due to Covid 19 we are not able to use the music room, so Music takes place in the classroom. We're also not allowed to sing, so I am very grateful to Ms. Proctor for all the hard work she's done around adapting music instruction to fit these non-musical times.

In the afternoon, the students did a great job with Buddy Reading, and then we worked on monster books. Today's monster was a mummy. The students learned a bit about mummies before they learned how to draw them.

We ended our day with a scary story and the class did a great job of listening respectfully, probably because they were scared. 

Friday, October 23: Favourite Shirt Day

This Friday, I am encouraging students to wear their favourite shirts, sweaters, sports jerseys, hats, etc - anything that they feel is representative of who they are. We will talk more about this in class tomorrow. 

Have a nice night!



  1. Sounds like a great day! Apart from the no singing...never thought that would be a thing 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. It is definitely unusual - I think most of the kids sing more quietly than they talk so I don't fully understand that rule. Maybe they'll be able to rap later in the year?


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Tuesday, March 11

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we zeroed in on one of the common issues students faced with their paragr...