Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wednesday, September 30

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today although the afternoon was a bit rough. It gave us an opportunity to revisit our conversations from earlier about the type of place that school should be. The kids were very respectful and thoughtful during this discussion and I'm confident we can make sure tomorrow is a great day!

In the morning, we talked about Orange Shirt Day, of course. I was very impressed by how well the students were able to answer my questions about why we celebrate orange shirt day, what the term 'First Nations' means, and the difference between Calgary and Canada. I can tell many students had some great conversations with parents at home. :) 

We went outside for our nature walk, and I've got to say - it's amazing to see how much the students' perceptions of outside time has changed since the start of the year. When we started doing nature walks at the start of September, the kids couldn't wait to be done the 'learning' portion so they could play on the playground. But now, even after the lessons are done, I've noticed more and more kids choosing to stay in the field and look at pinecones, leaves, tree roots, birds.... It's awesome! What's even more exciting is that they've started asking more questions, and making predictions about the natural world without even being prompted. 

On our walk today, we talked about different words we can use to describe 'colours'. For instance, words like 'bright', 'dark', 'light', 'pale', 'dull'. According to the science curriculum, the main ones we are supposed to focus on in Grade 1/2 are 'light' and 'dark'. So if your child is already able to distinguish between 'dark red' and 'light red', they're off to an amazing start.

We did a word brainstorming activity that is connected to an upcoming assembly. The students were shown three pictures, and had to think of words that described each one. Tomorrow, we'll arrange the words in some kind of order, thus creating a poem. I'm hoping it will seem like a poem anyway.

The issues we encountered this afternoon were mostly caused by students not being kind to one another. It seemed to all happen during recess too - there was more "telling on" after today's recess than we had during the entire last week! As a class, we talked about ways that we would like to be treated, and ways that we would not like to be treated. It seemed like everyone was on the same page about what constitutes 'unkind' behaviour. I think often, students get caught up in the idea of 'fault' and lose sight of their own actions. If someone else initiates what they see as unkind behaviour, it seems to justify more unkindness. I think what happened today at recess is a very normal, and important part of being in school, and I hope the class can learn from it. 

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tuesday, September 29

Hi parents,

We had an awesome day today. The students seemed exceptionally focused and motivated throughout the day, and as a result, a lot of students did some of their best work of the year so far!

In the morning, we went outside for a nature walk in the field. Today we talked more about seasonal changes, roots, and directions. I'm hoping to take students on some walks off of the school grounds in a few days, depending on the weather. The people in Lake Bonavista have some amazing gardens in their front yards, and I thought it could be really interesting to see all the different plants. We won't go far, probably only about 100m from the school, but I thought I should let everyone know just in case you have any questions or concerns! As we start to explore beyond the school grounds, my focus will be a bit less about nature and more about safety. 

We talked more about Orange Shirt Day today, and I showed the class the Phylis Webstad video that I posted on the Blog yesterday. We had some great conversations afterwards. I was really impressed by the students during this discussion - they all seemed to understand that it was a serious topic, but also that it didn't need to be only sad. I hope that the students feel excited that, by learning about and participating in Orange Shirt Day, they can be part of a positive movement will help to ensure all children are treated with fairness and kindness at school. Here's the link to that video again, if you missed it:

The students wrote lists in response to the writing prompt, "School should be..." I asked each student to write down five words that described how they felt school should be. Some examples could be "fun", "happy", "Peaceful", "accepting", etc.

Today was picture day! We spent about 20 minutes getting pictures taken. If your child was unable to attend school today, that's okay - I'm certain there will be retake opportunities later in the year!

Our Number Spotlight today was on 15. At the end of the day, the students drew their own orange shirts, and decorated them however they chose. After all, Orange Shirt day isn't just about wearing orange - it's about having the freedom to express yourself at school!

Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day at LBS. I've encouraged students to wear orange if they can, but if not, to choose one of their favourite shirts and wear that instead.

Have a nice night,


Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday, September 28 (Picture Day Tomorrow!)

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! As the year progresses, you'll probably notice that my Monday blog posts get more and more repetitive. This is because we tend to do the same sorts of activities on Mondays. I feel like starting the week with familiar, comfortable tasks helps the students transition more easily from weekend-mode to school-mode.

Today was no exception. The students wrote in their journals about their weekends, learned and practiced their new spelling words, and did a 'Number Spotlight' on 14. 

We started to talk about Orange Shirt Day, which is coming up on Wednesday, September 30. Students are asked to wear orange shirts on Wednesday to celebrate Reconciliation and pay respect to the Indigenous peoples whose lives have been affected by Residential Schools. Reconciliation is a very big topic and I do not expect children to understand much of it at this point in their education. I also understand that going into too much detail about Residential Schools could be very upsetting for young children, so I try to focus more on discussing what school should be like, and explaining that many indigenous youth did not get to experience the same fun, comfortable, and safe kind of school that we are accustomed to. 

I think this video does a good job of summarizing Orange Shirt Day in a way that is appropriate for young children:

Anyway - that was a bit of a tangent. When I said we started to talk about Orange Shirt Day, I mean we mostly just discussed what the terms 'indigenous' and 'First Nations' meant. We talked about how students' in our classroom have family trees that come from all kinds of different places around the world, like China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Korea, India... I explained to the class that that First Nations peoples of Canada come from families that ave always lived in Canada, even before it was called Canada. We watched this episode of Canada Crew again too:

Tomorrow is Picture Day! 

Unfortunately, this year we are unable to get full class pictures taken, so this will just be for individual headshots. 

Have a nice night,


Friday, September 25, 2020

Virtual Open House!

 Here is the link to the LBS Open House Videos:

After watching some of the other teachers' videos I realize I did not go into much detail about areas of the school outside of the classroom... sorry about that! If you're interested in learning more about our school, I recommend watching Ms. Midgley's video.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at 


Spelling Words (Week of Sep. 27)

 Spelling List A 










Spelling List B









Here are the spelling words for this week. 
And here is the obligatory Jack Hartmann videos to accompany List A: (fre$h collab with Jan Richardson)

I've been having a hard time finding videos that do a good job explaining the spelling rules on List B, so I think I'll just explain that in class.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 24

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today! The Terry Fox Run was a big success. We ran from about 8:30 - 9:15. I think that's longer than usual but there didn't seem to be any complaints. :)

Before we started the run, we talked about why we were running. It's not about the number of laps, or how fast you go - it's about trying your best, just like Terry did.

When we got back inside, we had our second Spelling Quiz of the year. It went pretty well. Better than the first one for sure but many students still get mixed up about where to write the words. That's why this is such a good skill to learn in Grade 1! Nobody wants their first 'test' to be a provincial exam.

The students drew pictures of Terry Fox, and we brainstormed adjectives as a call that describe him. 

Today's Number Spotlight was on the number 13. These Number Spotlight worksheets are a really big hit for some reason. They are basically just 'Morning Math' sheets (which were hugely unpopular this year!) so I don't really understand the appeal, but the students are consistently doing excellent work using them, so I'm not going to question it. I'm trying to reinforce the idea that '13' is basically just ten and three. I'm hoping that will help students to build their understanding of place value.

For today's Nature Walk, we went to the front of the school and counted the number of different plant species we could see. We talked about the traits that make it easy to differentiate between different plants. For instance, leaf shape, size, colour, etc.

I sent the students home with two forms today. One of them is promoting our upcoming School Picture Day on Tuesday, September 29.

The other form is regarding Walking Distance Field Trips, which I'm hoping to do more of in the near future. Basically, we will walk to different parts of the neighborhood and explore. I will be sure to let you all know when we're planning to do our first walking field trip. I don't feel like the class is quite ready yet because we need to talk more about sidewalk safety.

Tomorrow is our Virtual Open House! I am putting together a video that talks about classroom routines, layout, work choices, and things like that. While it won't be the same interactive experience as the Open House usually is, I think it will be fun for parents and children to watch together. Hopefully the students can fill you in on anything I may have forgotten to include!

I will be making phone calls to any parents of students who are brand new to our school. However, I'd be more than happy to arrange phone calls with anyone else who is interested! Please let me know if you would like to set something up.

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wednesday, September 23

 Hi parents,

Today was a pretty good day all around for our class, but there seemed to be more disagreements between students than usual. I think as students become more comfortable in the classroom, they start to push boundaries a bit more, and that's where the trouble starts. Today I spent a lot of time reinforcing the concept: "Treat others how you would like to be treated", and that seemed to help with most of the minor disputes.

We watched the same Terry Fox video that we watched on Monday this morning. It is really cool to see how much the students respect and admire Terry. Even though they'd already seen the video, they were completely captivated by it. 

Tomorrow is our Terry Fox run! Our class will be running around the field for about 30 minutes tomorrow at 8:30am. Please help your child choose appropriate footwear for running around a wet field! Some combination of rain boots and running shoes would be ideal, if such a thing exists...

For our nature walk this morning, we talked about the importance of tree bark. There is a tree at the edge of our school field that has split down the middle, and you can see all of its layers - it's really cool! I think the kids were surprised to learn that trees had layers.

We had a class discussion about heroes, both super and ordinary. The students drew pictures of a person they considered to be a hero.

In the afternoon, we had some Quiet Reading time, went to gym, and then talked about the letter 'u' using the Animated Literacy program. The character for the letter 'u' is named 'Uncle Upton'. He is an umpire who hangs upside down in a tree. I don't know why there is a tree in the middle of a baseball diamond.

Because Friday is a non-instructional day, tomorrow is our Spelling Quiz! Although we've only had time to practice twice in class, I think the students will have a better time with this one than last week's. Last minute practice at home can go a long way too!

Friday, September 25: Virtual Open House

Normally, we would have our regular Open House around this time of year, but unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we're forced to do it virtually instead. I am in the process of creating a video that will capture the essence of our classroom. I know it probably won't do it justice, but I hope you'll enjoy watching it with your child anyway! 

The Open House was a great opportunity for parents and teachers to meet in person, and for kids to show their parents around the school and classroom. I'm very disappointed that I won't have the chance to meet with any of you face to face this time. I would've even been okay with 'mask face to mask face' but I guess that is not an option either...

If you'd like to arrange a time for a phone call please let me know! I'd also be happy to talk via email if you have any questions, concerns, or would just like to say hi.

Sorry for the extra long blog post. I think they'll get shorter as the year goes on. 

Have a nice night,


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday, September 22

 Hi parents,

Once again today was a good day for Room 6. In the morning, we watched a Terry Fox music video which featured the song "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers. Here's the link if you're interested: 

After that, we went outside for our Nature Walk. This time we talked a lot about tree roots! We noticed the destruction caused by roots in the alley behind our school field. The students learned that tree roots help trees in two big ways - by absorbing water and nutrients, and by keeping the tree steady.

When we got back to class, we talked about the number 11. We skipped ahead in Number Blocks and watched the episode on 'eleven' because it does such a great job of showing how '11' is made up of a group of ten, and a group of one. 

The class completed "Number Spotlight" worksheets for the number 11. These worksheets challenged them to identify the numbers that came before and after 11, as well as showing 11 using ten frames, tallies, etc. I am in the process of putting together some blank 'number spotlight' templates that I can upload to Google Classroom. Those will be helpful for anyone looking to get additional number practice at home.

We read the book "I'm Fun Too!" again, and then the students wrote sentences about things they like to do for fun. The sentences followed the format:

"______ is fun because...  ______ is not fun because..."

In the afternoon, we talked about the letter 'P'. We watched a cool Jack Hartmann video and practiced printing plenty of perfect P's. Here's the link to that video:

At the end of the day, we practiced Spelling Words.

I've noticed that there are more absent students lately and I hope that these Blog posts are helping everyone stay in the loop while they're at home. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! 

Have a nice night!


Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 24: Terry Fox Run 

Friday, September 25: Virtual Open House

Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday, September 21

Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. Mondays are nice because they are very routine-driven. Every Monday, the students are introduced to new spelling words, and write in their journals about their weekends. I encourage students in Grade 1 to try to write two sentences, and students in Grade 2 to write three sentences. Often, I find that students need to be prompted to elaborate on their ideas. For instance, they will write "On the weekend I played.", and then not know what else to write. Encouraging students to focus on one idea and add detail to it is a great way to help them write additional sentences, and it's a good writing skill too.

We watched a video about Terry Fox today and had a brief class discussion afterwards. Here is the link: 

I think that is my favourite Terry Fox video because it focuses so much on all that Terry accomplished. Our class will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Thursday, so we're going to be learning a lot about Terry over the course of the week.

In Math, we continued to focus on the number 10. Today we brainstormed different ways to make 10. Practicing 'making 10' at home is an awesome way to help kids develop mental math skills. Today we did a quick activity where I asked the students to hold up any number of fingers, and then count the number of fingers they were not holding up.  Fingers Up + Fingers Down = 10. They thought that was pretty cool.

We went out to the front of the school and studied the crabapple Trees. I showed the students where the seeds were in each apple. We also talked about how crabapples are different from regular apples.

At the end of the day, we read a book about Lego figures and the students coloured in their own bank 'minifigures'.

Have a nice night!


Friday, September 18, 2020

Spelling Words (Week of Sep. 20)

 Spelling List A










Spelling List B









Here are this week's spelling words!

These resources might help...

Jack Hartmann 'an' words song:

Friday, September 18

Happy Friday!

Today was quite a milestone day for our class, because not only did we make it through our first spelling quiz, we also made it through our first full week of school.

In the morning, the students used their work period time to complete tasks from earlier in the week, such as 'otter writing', 'journal writing' and all of the Number Spotlight worksheets we did.

We went outside for our daily 'science talk', and this time, I challenged the students to count how many different plants they saw. We talked about different types of leaves, seeds, and pinecones. We also talked about the differences between fog and smoke.

As I mentioned earlier, we made it through our first spelling quiz, which was a bit of a grueling process. It probably took almost 45 minutes. This is pretty typical for the first quiz though, because for most Grade 1s, it's the first time they've ever written a quiz! I noticed that the students seemed to be pretty comfortable with spelling the words, they just needed help figuring out where to write them. Lots of quizzes looked something like this:

1. catrat sat pat mat hat



4.                     chAT

I'm confident that the next quiz will go more smoothy. :) And I'm proud of the class for persevering through the whole process!

At the end of the day, we finished our otter-themed week with a step-by-step otter drawing lesson.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday, September 17

 Hi parents,

Today was a bit of a crazy day but a good day nonetheless. In the morning, we had a "Virtual Assembly", where each classroom in the school connected to a Google Meet using a microphone and webcam. It was pretty fun and the kids thought it was cool how they could see so many of their friends from different classes! Ms. Jones and Ms. Durnford showed the school how to make sanitizer in a very 'mad science' sort of way, which was entertaining and fun.

We watched a Wild Kratts episode about otters, since we've kind of been having an otter themed week so far. After that, the students wrote sentences following the format: "Otters are... Otters are not ..." Most students did not finish this task on time, so we'll keep working on it tomorrow. It will be a good opportunity to show students how they can use time during the Montessori Work Period to complete unfinished tasks from earlier in the week. 

In the afternoon, we had our first Fire Drill. We practiced for it earlier in the day, so the students knew what to expect. Still, it is always impossible to anticipate how loud and awful the bell is... 

I thought the class did a great job overall. They were quiet, responsible, patient, and followed each instruction they were given. 

When you see your child after school today, you may notice they look like they came from the set of a 90's rap video. That's because the students were all given their own school T-shirts today! I thought it would be a good idea to get shirts that are a bit on the baggy side so the kids can grow into them. Hopefully the shirts will still fit in grade 6.

Along with the shirts, students were given envelopes containing a lot of important documents for parents to review today. 

Tomorrow is our first Spelling Quiz! Students have practiced their words in class over the course of the week, but additional practice at home will go a long way. Because it is our first quiz, my main focus will be on introducing the class to the format of a spelling quiz, and showing them how to organize their work. I will give many hints too. I want everyone's first quiz to be a positive experience.

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday, September 16

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today! I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but each morning, we go for a walk around the field and talk about nature, the weather, and seasonal changes. Today during our "Nature Walk" we had a great discussion about how some plants are edible while others are not. We talked about how many plant parts, like grasses and leaves, are not good for humans to eat, but some animals can eat them. We also talked about how dangerous certain types of mushrooms are, even if they look similar to the mushrooms we'd find at the grocery store.

Following up with our Otter activity from yesterday, the students wrote in their journals about the ways in which they can show kindness to their classmates. We practiced our spelling words using rainbow letters, slime letters, pointy letters (which some may recognize as 'Slayer' letters) or bubble letters. I find that using methods like this help students to slow down when they are practicing, and pay more attention to the actual letters that make up each word. 

In the afternoon, our 'math spotlight' was on the number 9. These spotlight pages have been a big hit so far! I am thrilled by how well students are picking up the concepts of 'even' and 'odd'. Usually those are trickier for students to grasp.

At the end of the day, we read "The Bad Seed", and made sketches of our own 'bad seeds'. We talked about the basic shapes that the seed is made of.

Have a nice night,


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15

 Hi parents,

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last post! It seemed to fix the view counter too. I really appreciate that so many of you are keeping up with what we're doing in class.

Today was an awesome day for our class. In the morning, we reread the story "Don't Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late!" and the students wrote down their own ideas for pigeon stories. "The Pigeon" is a character created by Mo Willems who is a very trendy children's author right now. The students had fun coming up with their own pigeon related situations, and drawing the pigeon.

In math, we practiced using tallies, and talked about the number 8. We also had a cool discussion about why the number 7 is lucky, especially when rolling dice. We talked about the different ways we could make 7 using two dice. Hopefully this knowledge comes in handy for future trips to Las Vegas.

In the afternoon, we read a story called "Do Unto Otters". It teaches about the importance of being polite, kind, and respectful to others, and treating people the way you would like to be treated.

The class brainstormed this list of how they would like their classmates to be:

Have a nice night!


Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday, September 14

 Hi parents,

We survived our first Monday of the year! It actually was quite a good day too.

In the morning, the students watched a video that taught them a bit about Canada's national sports, Hockey and Lacrosse. We went outside and did a quick "nature walk" around the field, making observations about the weather and seasonal changes, and predicting the ways in which the field will look different in a few weeks.

The students wrote about what they did on the weekend in their journals. After that, I introduced the class to 'spelling practice', and we brainstormed some 'at' and 'ar' words. I showed the students how to practice their spelling words by writing them out in their spelling books. As I mentioned in the post yesterday, practicing at home is always encouraged! 

As students become more confident with spelling, they also become more confident with writing. In my experience, many students who are 'reluctant writers' are just nervous about making spelling mistakes. Spelling Practice is a great way to overcome this nervousness by giving kids the foundational skills they need to spell words from memory, or attempt the spelling of unfamiliar words.

In the afternoon, the class continued to work in their Math duotangs, and we focused on the number '7' today. Just like with spelling, I am trying to make sure the kids have a solid understanding of basic numbers before we start learning things like addition and subtraction. I've been really impressed by their work so far, so we might get to move on to more complicated topics earlier than I expected!

Have a nice night!


PS: If you've been following the blog, I would really appreciate if you could leave a comment on this post. My 'view counter' always shows up as zero, for some reason, so I want to make sure everyone has been able to access it. Thank you!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Spelling Words (Week of Sep. 12)

 Spelling List A










Spelling List B









Here are the spelling words for this week. Students are asked toe choose one list to practice for the week, based on which list feels like a good challenge for them. Typically, List A is derived from Grade 1 spelling words, and List B from Grade 2, but it is not uncommon for a Grade 2 student to feel more comfortable using List A, and vise-versa. I will adjust the difficulty levels of each spelling list if I notice that students are finding them too easy or too challenging. Also, trying both lists is a great way for students to challenge themselves!

Students will practice their spelling words three times in class over the course of the week. I also encourage additional practice at home, which is why I will post new spelling words on the blog each week! This is completely optional of course.

At the end of each week, we have a very casual, 'just for fun' spelling quiz. I think these quizzes are an excellent way of introducing students to the idea of a 'test setting', in which they must complete their work independently and without the help of classroom materials. The skills students develop through writing spelling quizzes in early grades will help them feel comfortable when taking more formal tests later on. These quizzes also help me identify which letters or letter blends seem to be causing problems for students, which will help me to teach more effectively.

Our first spelling quiz will be on Friday, September 18. 

If you have any questions, please fee free to email me at! 

Good luck!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11

Happy Friday!

We had a great day today. 

We started the day off with Explore and Play, as usual, and then we used Google Maps to learn about where Lake Bonavista School is within our city, province, country, and planet. Google Maps has a satellite feature that the students really enjoy. It can be fun to zoom in on different places around the world, kind of like a virtual vacation. It also gives the kids some perspective of how large Canada is, and where the provinces are relative to each other.

We went outside for gym and a bit of a nature walk around the field. We talked about the sun, shadows, weather, and plants. When we got back inside, we had snack and watched Number Blocks.

Number Blocks is a TV series for kids that teaches all about numbers, and in my opinion it is fantastic!! It does an amazing job of illustrating basic number concepts in a way that is typically very difficult to teach. The Number Blocks combine, break apart, and reposition themselves in a way that helps kids visualize concepts like addition, subtraction, and the commutative property. I am a big fan.

The students wrote lists about the things they would like to do on the weekend. We also did some work with the number '6'. 

I noticed that many students were unfamiliar with representing numbers using 'tallies'. This is a very easy skill to learn but it does take a bit of practice, so even just asking your child to practice writing tallies at home could be a big help.

Near the end of the day, we read the book "Our Class is a Family" and talked about the positive qualities of our classroom.

Have a nice weekend!


Meet the Numberblocks! | Coloring books, Birthday cards images, Book print

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10

Hi parents,

Today was a great day to write this year's first official blog post about. The students did an excellent job completing work, following classroom expectations, and treating each other with kindness and respect. 

We started our day off with "Explore and Play" time, which looks a bit different this year than it did last year. Each table has been given a set of fun, educational materials that students can use individually at their tables to warm up for the day. Materials include things like Lego, Magnet Kits, Math Games, Puzzles, etc. 

After that, we watched an episode of "Canada Crew" that taught the class a bit about what it means to be Canadian. The class learned that Canada is a unique country because of it's exceptionally diverse population. 

The students went outside for Gym and played a game of "noodle tag", which is one of the only examples of a game that Covid-19 has actually succeeded in making more fun. 

When the class returned, we did math worksheets that focused on the number '5'. The students had to identify whether 5 was even or odd, list the numbers that fall before and after it, illustrate a quantity of 5, and write 5 as a tally. However, the most challenging part of the activity was learning how to put the worksheets in the duotang (we don't usually do worksheets like this!)

The class wrote sentences about someone in the class that they thought of as their friend. As an added challenge, they were asked to find something that they had in common with this friend. 

Finally, I gave the class some drawing lessons to show them how to draw people and landscapes. In a very simple way.

At the end of the day I sent home Scholastic book orders as well. Please let me know if you have any questions about ordering.

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Welcome to the Room 6 Blog!

 Hi parents,

Welcome to the Room 6 Classroom Blog! 

Following this blog is a great way to stay caught up on content covered in the classroom, as well as upcoming events at Lake Bonavista School. 

I will do my best to update the blog every day, usually between 3:00pm and 5:00pm, with a summary of what we did in class. Talking with your child about their school day is a great way to help them retain new learning, and stay enthusiastic about school. Sometimes reading the blog as a family can help kids remember details about their days that they otherwise may have forgotten.

Finally, if your child has to stay home from school, following the blog is a great way to help them stay caught up with the work we're doing in class. 

If you have any questions or would just like to say 'hi', please do not hesitate to email me at 

I'm looking forward to a great school year!


Pajama Day - March 14