Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10

Hi parents,

Today was a great day to write this year's first official blog post about. The students did an excellent job completing work, following classroom expectations, and treating each other with kindness and respect. 

We started our day off with "Explore and Play" time, which looks a bit different this year than it did last year. Each table has been given a set of fun, educational materials that students can use individually at their tables to warm up for the day. Materials include things like Lego, Magnet Kits, Math Games, Puzzles, etc. 

After that, we watched an episode of "Canada Crew" that taught the class a bit about what it means to be Canadian. The class learned that Canada is a unique country because of it's exceptionally diverse population. 

The students went outside for Gym and played a game of "noodle tag", which is one of the only examples of a game that Covid-19 has actually succeeded in making more fun. 

When the class returned, we did math worksheets that focused on the number '5'. The students had to identify whether 5 was even or odd, list the numbers that fall before and after it, illustrate a quantity of 5, and write 5 as a tally. However, the most challenging part of the activity was learning how to put the worksheets in the duotang (we don't usually do worksheets like this!)

The class wrote sentences about someone in the class that they thought of as their friend. As an added challenge, they were asked to find something that they had in common with this friend. 

Finally, I gave the class some drawing lessons to show them how to draw people and landscapes. In a very simple way.

At the end of the day I sent home Scholastic book orders as well. Please let me know if you have any questions about ordering.

Have a nice night,


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