Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15

 Hi parents,

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last post! It seemed to fix the view counter too. I really appreciate that so many of you are keeping up with what we're doing in class.

Today was an awesome day for our class. In the morning, we reread the story "Don't Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late!" and the students wrote down their own ideas for pigeon stories. "The Pigeon" is a character created by Mo Willems who is a very trendy children's author right now. The students had fun coming up with their own pigeon related situations, and drawing the pigeon.

In math, we practiced using tallies, and talked about the number 8. We also had a cool discussion about why the number 7 is lucky, especially when rolling dice. We talked about the different ways we could make 7 using two dice. Hopefully this knowledge comes in handy for future trips to Las Vegas.

In the afternoon, we read a story called "Do Unto Otters". It teaches about the importance of being polite, kind, and respectful to others, and treating people the way you would like to be treated.

The class brainstormed this list of how they would like their classmates to be:

Have a nice night!



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Pajama Day - March 14