Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Hi parents,

We had a really great day today! I'm desperately trying to figure out what determines whether our class will have a 'good day' or a 'not so good day', but I'm pretty stumped. Yesterday, things were a bit hectic, somewhat loud, and a tad unproductive, but today, the students just came into class ready to work and get along. :)

In the morning, we had a long work period so everyone could catch up on their spelling, writing, and magnet inventions. The class used their time efficiently and just about everyone was able to get at least half of their work done! I've been gradually 'interviewing' students as they complete their magnet inventions, and posting the videos on SeeSaw. I've been asking the students to explain what their invention is called, what it's used for, and how it uses magnets.

The students are still working away at their PolyMon books - I'm glad they're still so enjoying them. We'll probably be wrapping up our study of shapes some time in the next week.

In the afternoon, we had Music and Daily 5. At the end of the day, I read the class a book called "But It Wasn't My Fault!" I'm sure you can guess what the lesson was in that one.

Thank you to everyone who has returned not only their field trip forms, but their netball forms too! If you haven't done so already, please send them back tomorrow!

Also be aware that we will be having our spelling quiz tomorrow, as Friday is a PD Day. :)

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14