Monday, January 27, 2020


Hi parents,
Today was a fairly typical Monday for our class, with the exception of "Mission Impossible" in Gym, which was a big hit.
In the morning the students wrote in their journals, created new Polymons, and practiced spelling words. They also went to Music. 
In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, Gym, and some work period time. This time, the students had a chance to work on their magnet inventions. It was really interesting to see which students were able to successfully build according to their plans, and which ones encountered some obstacles. Today was kind of just a trial run - tomorrow I'm giving the students a lot more time to work, and I'm sure I'll see a lot more progress!
At the end of the day, I sent home forms for Netball, which we will be doing in Gym starting next week! Please sign those forms and return them sometime this week. There is no fee for this activity, but students will still require a signed consent form to participate.
Have a nice night,

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Pajama Day - March 14