Friday, January 31, 2020

Spelling Words (Week of Feb. 2), and Blog Post

Spelling List A

Spelling List B

Good luck!

Also, I'm sorry about the lack of blog posts lately - the students had a great day yesterday, but I just completely forgot to post about it. For some reason, Blogger is also telling me that zero people have ever looked at any of my blog posts - I know that can't be true, because the students have brought in their blog homework. It's very confusing! If you check the blog on a relatively regular basis, would you mind leaving a comment to let me know? I want to make sure everything is working on my end.

Yesterday I sent home report cards, and I'm happy to report that there was not a single envelope left behind. Speaking of envelopes - we are hoping to reuse them for the end of year report cards, so please send them back next week. Students who bring back their envelopes will all receive 2 Dojo Points.

I recently developed a bunch of photos that I'd taken over the course of the year, so I put some of those in the report card envelopes too. Some of them are from way back in September, but I figured it was better late than never!

Have a nice weekend,


Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Hi parents,

We had a really great day today! I'm desperately trying to figure out what determines whether our class will have a 'good day' or a 'not so good day', but I'm pretty stumped. Yesterday, things were a bit hectic, somewhat loud, and a tad unproductive, but today, the students just came into class ready to work and get along. :)

In the morning, we had a long work period so everyone could catch up on their spelling, writing, and magnet inventions. The class used their time efficiently and just about everyone was able to get at least half of their work done! I've been gradually 'interviewing' students as they complete their magnet inventions, and posting the videos on SeeSaw. I've been asking the students to explain what their invention is called, what it's used for, and how it uses magnets.

The students are still working away at their PolyMon books - I'm glad they're still so enjoying them. We'll probably be wrapping up our study of shapes some time in the next week.

In the afternoon, we had Music and Daily 5. At the end of the day, I read the class a book called "But It Wasn't My Fault!" I'm sure you can guess what the lesson was in that one.

Thank you to everyone who has returned not only their field trip forms, but their netball forms too! If you haven't done so already, please send them back tomorrow!

Also be aware that we will be having our spelling quiz tomorrow, as Friday is a PD Day. :)

Have a nice night,


Monday, January 27, 2020


Hi parents,
Today was a fairly typical Monday for our class, with the exception of "Mission Impossible" in Gym, which was a big hit.
In the morning the students wrote in their journals, created new Polymons, and practiced spelling words. They also went to Music. 
In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, Gym, and some work period time. This time, the students had a chance to work on their magnet inventions. It was really interesting to see which students were able to successfully build according to their plans, and which ones encountered some obstacles. Today was kind of just a trial run - tomorrow I'm giving the students a lot more time to work, and I'm sure I'll see a lot more progress!
At the end of the day, I sent home forms for Netball, which we will be doing in Gym starting next week! Please sign those forms and return them sometime this week. There is no fee for this activity, but students will still require a signed consent form to participate.
Have a nice night,

Friday, January 24, 2020

Spelling Words!

Spelling List A

Spelling List B

Good luck!


Hi parents,
We had a great day today! I was so impressed by the work the students did, and happy that everyone was able to get along.
Thank you to everyone who was able to coordinate Twin Day outfits - they looked awesome! I had planned this activity where the students got to sketch their twin day plans on a paper doll with a partner, but sadly the printer wasn't working that day, and then it slipped my mind, and I admit I did not prepare the class for twin day nearly as much as I had wanted to. :( We might have to have our own Twin Day soon to make sure everyone has a chance to participate.
In the morning, the students responded to the writing prompt: "If I had a twin, we would..." However, this time, I gave the students some follow up prompts too, like "We would also...." and "The best part about having a twin would be...". I'm trying to get the class to start writing using paragraphs, and I was hoping that these additional prompts would help students connect related ideas to create more cohesive responses.
The students had a great time in Gymnastics, and we also had our spelling quiz. This may have been our best quiz of the year! Morale was surprisingly good.
Next week, we are going to start building our magnet inventions. A lot of parents have asked whether it's alright to build them, or parts of them, at home, and the answer is yes. Please do not worry about completing the invention too quickly, I'll make sure students have other things to work on after their inventions are finished.
Please remember to send back your field trip forms if you haven't already done so!
Have a wonderful weekend,

Pajama Day - March 14