Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Hi parents,
We had a really good day today. In the morning, we listened to two different versions of the Christmas Classic, "The Twelve Days of Christmas". The students starting making their own 'Twelve Days' books, because there are only 12 more school days until Winter Break!
Each day, we will be completing another page of the book. Students will be challenging themselves to come up with clever parody-type lyrics, while also learning about ordinal numbers. They will include a detailed, colourful illustration on each page, and ultimately walk away with their own very professional looking book. :)
I had an opportunity to give some more math lessons to small groups of students. As I mentioned before, we're working on balancing equations by filling in the blanks. I encourage everyone to try some of these problems at home! Here are some examples:
Basic Level Problem:
4 + __ = 9
Intermediate Problem:
4 + __ = 7 + 3
Advanced Problem:
14 + __ = 27 - 9
That isn't official homework, but if you do attempt any or all of them, I'll be sure to give a Dojo Point prize. :)
In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, Music, Recess, and a Fire Drill. We ended the day with some extra work period time.
Socks Needed for Snowman Craft!
Next week, we will be doing a craft that requires some socks. Each student will need two socks. Ideally, one will be white, and the other will have a pattern or colour. If you have any stray socks lying around, please send them to school sometime this week.
Thank you and have a nice night!

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Pajama Day - March 14