Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Hi parents,
We had another great day today - I think this is our second great Tuesday in a row! Tuesday usually seems to be the toughest day for this class, so I've been consciously planning exceptionally interesting lessons for Tuesdays, and it seems to be working.
This morning, we had a class discussion about places in the world that are warmer than Calgary. Not surprisingly, there were quite a few. However, I was not expecting the students to have personally visited so many of them! Students were sharing their experiences from places like Iran, Columbia, China, Hawaii, Mexico, Vancouver, Texas, and even South Africa, and it was so interesting to hear all their stories. The class wrote about what activities are popular in places with warmer climates.
We had Gym, Library, and more work period, and that brought us to the lunch bell.
In the afternoon, I showed the class some fascinating videos about the hottest place on earth, Death Valley, and the windiest place on earth, which I believe is somewhere near Siberia. The class loved learning about how dangerous fast winds can be. I then challenged the class to design 'outfits' (for lack of a better word) that would keep a person safe and comfortable in locations with different or extreme weather conditions. Most students did a great job with this task, and even took the time to label their drawings to explain the why they chose the apparel that they did.
Have a nice night!

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Tuesday, January 7

 Hi parents, We had another good day today. In the morning, we revisited our year-long exploration of "Safe and Active Routes to School...