Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Hello families,
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!
We had a pretty good day today all around, but don't expect the blog to be super interesting - it was basically a Monday today.
In the morning, we did our class picture retake, and the students had some time to work on their weekend journals. We went outside for gym, had two guest readers, and then went to the library.
We also spent a bit of time practicing for our lockdown drill, which is tomorrow. I am quite nervous about it to be honest, because sitting silently for 15 minutes is not really our class' forte. I am sure the fact that we're all hiding in the peace corner together will only make it more difficult....
I've told the students that if the lockdown goes perfectly, we'll have a Pajama day on Friday - so fingers crossed, everything goes well, and the police officer gives us a fantastic review.
In the afternoon, the students worked very hard on their journals, their spelling, and even their weekly math, which I hadn't got a chance to officially teach them yet! This week, we are starting to work on addition. From what I've seen so far, the students already seem to have a great handle on it, so thank you for whatever you've been doing at home! Tomorrow I'll be working with small groups on addition problems using the Montessori materials. I'm looking forward to it!
Thank you to everyone who has offered to volunteer for our Art Felting later this month! I think there is still room for one more volunteer if anyone is interested, but if not, we should still have enough to run the activities in a calm, orderly fashion. :)
Have a great night!

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Monday, March 10

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today - lots of kids away though!  Much of our day was spent learning about pulleys. And the best way ...