Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tuesday (This blog post was accidentally deleted!)

Hi parents,
Today was a pretty good day for our class. In fact, by "Tuesday" standards, it was fantastic.
In the morning, I gave the students more time to work on their math from last week. I think they're finally all just about done now. After that, we read the book "The Good Egg", which is by the same author as "The Bad Seed" which we read yesterday.
The Good Egg is about a very well-behaved, exemplary egg, who tries his hardest to help all the other eggs make good choices. Unfortunately, he spends so much time helping them and worrying about them that he doesn't have any time for himself! Like "The Bad Seed", I think it is relatable and has a positive message. 
The students wrote in their journals about what makes them 'a good egg'. I also challenged the class to write about the lesson found in the book.
In the afternoon, we did Daily 5, and then watched some Remembrance Day videos. We had some excellent class discussions about peace, war, veterans, poppies, and why we have a moment of silence. The students were quite engaged the entire time, and were respectful while their peers were sharing.
Here are the links to the videos we watched:
Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held this Friday at 10:30 am.  We welcome families to attend. Poppies will be available as you enter the school and we thankfully welcome any poppy donations.
As you may already know, the Students In Action Club is holding a food drive for the Veteran Food Bank.  If you would like to make a donation to aid in showing our school community's generosity and appreciation, you may bring a non-perishable food item to the assembly or send it with your child on or before Friday, November 15th.  
Have a good night,

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Wednesday, March 12

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we started one of my all-time favourite projects - it's a personal No...