Monday, November 18, 2019


Hi parents,
Today was a good day in Room 6, and a bit different from a typical Monday too, so get ready for a slightly more interesting blog post.
In the morning, the students worked on their journals. Today I challenged them to each include one question in their writing. So for example, a student might write: "On the weekend I went to the Banff hot springs. Do you like hot things?" And a student did write that. So all around, it was an entertaining twist on a familiar writing task, and I think the class did a great job with it.
The students also had Music class in the morning, and when they got back, we started a new art project. For this project, students are creating self portraits that are set in either Fall, or Winter. Students have been asked to paint different backgrounds to represent whichever season they chose, so it ties in a lot to warm / cool colours too. Today, the students just drew their faces, as realistically as possible. We talked about some tricks to help draw more realistic faces. For example, including a nose and ears can go a long way.
In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, recess, and more time to work on art. 
If you have not booked a time for parent-teacher conferences yet, please do so! If you're having trouble with the online booking system, just send me an email and I will see what I can do. :)
Have a great night!

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