Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday (Day of the Pajamas)

Hi parents,
Today was a great day! It lived up to the hype.
In the morning, we had a Guest Reader, and the students had time to finish up their work from earlier in the week. After that, we had the spelling quiz, and then went to gym.
When we got back from the gym, I gave the students a quick reminder lesson about the Dojo Store expectations, and some strategies the students could use to figure out how many points they would have left over after their spending sprees. Today the store went much more smoothly than the last time, and I think that was mainly due to the fact that the students have gotten more knowledgable about subtraction. 
Today we practiced two more Daily 5 stations - "Read to Self" and "Listen to Reading". Listen to reading is always a big hit, because the students like using the Ipads, and everyone knows it is 10x more fun to read words on a screen than it is on paper. We had a bit of "Fun Friday" time at the end of the day, where the students could use their stuffed animals and toys. :)
I am sending home the Art Felt Learning letter today - via email! We are trying to cut back on paper. If you do not receive the letter, please let me know by emailing me at

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

PS: Don't forget to sign up for parent-teacher conferences!

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Monday, March 10

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today - lots of kids away though!  Much of our day was spent learning about pulleys. And the best way ...