Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday, October 1 (HOMEWORK ALERT!)

Hi parents,
Today was a bit of a crazy day, what with pictures and all, but it was mostly good.
In the morning, I gave the students lessons on subtraction. I showed the students how they can easily solve subtraction problems by drawing circles (or dots, squares, smileys, you name it) to represent a quantity, and then crossing some out to show how many are being subtracted. So for example, when solving "7 - 3", a student could draw seven circles, cross out 3, and see that 4 circles are left. 
This is a basic, but very reliable, way to solve a subtraction problem, and I encourage even the most adept young mathematicians to keep it in the backs of their minds. When we do our Class Dojo Store later this week, students can use this strategy to figure out how many points they will have left after they buy things at the store.
BLOG HOMEWORK: Solve the following subtraction word problem, and send your 'work' back to school! This one is worth two dojo points. :)
"Mr. Link borrows 12 books from the library. He returns 5 books. How many books does he still have?"
Advanced:  "Mr. Link borrows 42 books from the library. He returns 15 books. How many books does he still have?"
Picture day was a big success. Our class picture looked great from what I could tell - hopefully we can send those home soon. :)
In the afternoon, we did Daily 5 (also a big success), and then the students wrote in their journals about snow forts. In fact, they wrote about what the best snow fort would be like. They tended to be a lot like the fortress of solitude, but with more slides.
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up for the SeeSaw app! I know the kids have really enjoyed taking pictures of their work and sharing it with you. By now almost everyone has uploaded something to their learner profile, so if you'd like to see what your child has shared, please sign up here! https://app.seesaw.me/s/096-368-220
Have a great night,

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