Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday, February 19

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today.

The students learned more about informative writing, and the idea of 'sub-topics'. I've really enjoyed the writing tasks we've done this week because they've been so focused on the planning aspect, rather than the finished product, and I feel like that has reduced some of the pressure students normally feel when writing. It's also helping them build skills that will come in handy in later grades, when they have to plan out multi-paragraph essays and presentations.

In math, we started learning how to tell time on an analog clock. This is one of those skills that teaches itself, once students get the basics, as they inevitably use it throughout the day (especially during boring social studies lessons) to find out how many minutes there are until recess. 

In the afternoon, we had one of those social studies lessons, and talked about the influence of missionaries in the formation of Alberta. I actually thought this lesson was pretty cool, and the kids made good contributions to our discussions. We talked about how missionaries built schools and hospitals, and helped translate indigenous languages, which allowed settlers and indigenous peoples to better communicate. We also talked about things they could have done differently, such as honouring indigenous traditions and cultures while still providing education and support for Alberta's earliest communities. 

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14