Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday, February 21

 Hi parents,

Today was mostly a wrap-up type of day after our busy week. Students finished up work from earlier in the week, and we had our spelling quiz, which unfortunately I didn't get a chance to mark yet. We played "Mario Kart" in gym, and in math, we tried some really difficult problems involving elapsed time and analog clocks. It's quite difficult for kids to figure out what time it was '2 and a half hours ago', for example. I think we need to start with easier ones, just going by the hour. We'll do that next week.

In social studies, we read about the first fossil discoveries in Alberta. The students discussed whether or not people should be allowed to keep fossils they find, and why Dinosaur Provincial Park was created.

Finally, in writing, we continued exploring that idea of 'sub-topics', and the kids wrote a table of contents for their hypothetical own biographies. I liked this activity because it forced the class to plan - they had to ask themselves, 'how would I structure a full-length biography?', rather than just writing their life story, like we did earlier in the year.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


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