Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday, January 22

 Hi parents,

Sorry about the lack of Blog yesterday.

We had a great day today, more interesting than yesterday, and more productive too. In the morning, we talked about the concept of 'scale' as it applies in mapping. The students used maps in their social studies text books to answer a wide range of questions about Alberta. It was an awesome application of their new measurement skills, which we've been developing in math, as well as a good way to learn more about our province, and get a general idea of how big it is.

In math, we continued learning about Area, and the students designed floor plans for a 'dream house', where they measured the area and perimeter of each room.

We did "Spelling Sentence" writing, and some quiet reading.

Tomorrow is the Multiplication Quiz!

This quiz features:

-Basic facts (with numbers 1-12)

-3-digit by 1-digit multiplication (Grade 4 only)

-Problems involving 'arrays' (Grade 3 only)

-3 word problems

-A problem in which students must draw a rectangle with a given area, using a ruler

This is all stuff we do every day so I don't think it will be too difficult, but practicing at home is never a bad idea! A great way to practice for this quiz is simply by skip-counting by 3's, 4's, 6's, 7's, 8's, and 9's - those are the tough ones. Reviewing measuring skills is a good idea too.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14