Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tuesday, January 7

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today. In the morning, we revisited our year-long exploration of "Safe and Active Routes to School". We're taking on a project that will hopefully improve the pick-up / drop-off experiences of families at our school, and also help kids start their days off on a good note. 

Basically, we're hoping to encourage more families to drop kids off across the field in the morning, rather than in front of the school. Anyone who has ever driven by our school in the morning knows how crazy the traffic can be. This project aims to alleviate that congestion and help kids get some extra physical activity and outside time before school, which should help them focus throughout the day.

We're going to be making pamphlets to send home that go over our plan and outline the benefits of walking to school - even just part of the way.

Anyway - today the whole class walked around the perimeter of the school, made observations about the signage, and shared thoughts around safe / unsafe behaviours. That took us all the way to snack.

After that, we wrote sentences for spelling words. The challenge was, each sentence had to start with a different word.

In math, I gave the kids some multiplication word problems that challenged them to think a bit more abstractly with math. They've clearly got the computation aspects of math down - if you give them two numbers and tell them to add, subtract, or multiply, they've got it no problem. But we had some trouble with applying math to solve problems that weren't so simple. We'll keep working at that.

We ended the day with music.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14