Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday, January 17

 Hi parents,

Today we started a new writing project that I'm pretty excited about. As you know, we've been reading The Little Prince. Before the Little Prince gets to earth, he stops at a few other planets with unusual, and generally ironic characters on them. The students are making up their own 'planets', in the style of The Little Prince, and creating their own quirky and contradictory characters. I'm so relieved that they seem to have the hang of this and aren't just making "Taylor Swift Planet" or "Fortnite Planet".

One of my favourite student-made planets features a lone sloth warrior who is awaiting an invasion from a snail at the other end of the universe.

The spelling quiz went pretty well, considering we missed a couple days of practice. Thanks to everyone who practiced at home! It made a difference this week for sure!

We ended our day with Music, and another architecture sketching activity.

Stay tuned for new spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


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