Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday, October 28

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today all around! In the morning, the students made maps of our cardboard box community. This proved to be a pretty difficult task and we're going to have to keep working at it tomorrow. The hard part was choosing a scale so that everything could fit on two pages of a sketchbook. 

In math, we officially started learning about multiplication. We watched this classic episode of Numberblocks, which introduces it better than I ever could:

Then I introduced the Multiplication Bead Board material. It's another great material like the stamp game that forces kids to slow down and model the process of multiplication carefully. It builds the foundational understanding that needs to come before we start memorizing facts and building fluency.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and then met with younger students from Mrs. Green's class, to showcase our community project and explain the steps we took to make it. Some kids even volunteered to share their writing work from last week.

We ended the day with Spelling Practice. Tomorrow is spooky socks day.

Have a nice night,


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