Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday, September 4

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today. In the morning, the class learned about the concept of 'regrouping' using the Golden Beads. The Golden Beads are the bread and butter of Montessori math materials. I cannot think of a better way to help students build number sense. Today, the students worked in groups to represent some 3 and 4-digit numbers. We also talked about how you can exchange between place values (regrouping), to allow for easier subtraction. 

For Gym, we went outside and learned how to play Field-point Kickball. It's basically the same as regular kickball, but you only can score points when you're in the field. Any play that would normally result in an 'out' instead just results in a point for the fielding team. This version of kickball is awesome because it allows everyone to kick and run all the bases, while placing a bigger emphasis on the importance of teamwork in the field, an aspect of kickball that is often overshadowed by 'who can kick the farthest'.

In the afternoon, we played Literacy Games, in preparation for independent Daily LA. This part of the day was loud but fun. After recess, the class was absolutely silent as we worked on hundreds charts. 

Have a nice night,


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