Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, September 16

 Hi parents,

Today was "International Dot Day", and we had a good time. I'm still getting used to this being a day we celebrate and I forgot to remind the students to wear polka dots. Sorry about that! 

We did a quick 'Artist Study' on Wassili Kandinsky, a Russian painter known for his abstract art involving shapes, lines, and colours. His artwork pairs really nicely with "The Dot". The students made their own artwork inspired by one of Kandinsky's pieces from the early 1900's.

We also worked with the Grade 5/6 students to do some editing for our "My Story" writing work. The students will start on their good copies tomorrow!

In math, we continued to work on skip-counting. We've been using the golden beads while skip-counting so students can visualize the numbers growing or shrinking, rather than just memorizing a pattern. Skip-counting by 10's and 100's, forwards and backwards, is a great skill to practice at home. You can also try starting from different places (for example, 20, 120, 220, 320...)

We ended our day by learning about this week's spelling words, and practicing them.

Have a nice night,


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