Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the 13th

 Hi parents,

Today was a nice end to our first full week of school. We had a lot of work period time so that students could finish up their rough drafts of their "My Story" writing tasks. We should be on track to have the good copies done (or mostly done) by the end of next week - just in time for the Family BBQ.

In Math, we practiced writing large numbers as a class. I noticed that the students are pretty good at numbers up to 1000, but then anything after that, they'll start adding too many zeroes. For example, they'll write the number "five thousand six hundred four" as "5000,604".

For Daily LA, it was student choice. We've officially covered all the stations. Next week, they students will be placed in Daily LA groups, and we'll start rotating through the stations independently. While the class is engaged in Daily LA, I'll be reading with a group myself. It's an awesome way to meet kids where they're at and work on books that are a good difficulty level for them.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


 Some highlights from the 'word magnets' this week

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