Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday, June 21

 Hi parents, 

It's been a fantastic week in Room 6. Here are the highlights:

Writing - Poetry

We continued working with different styles of poetry, including verse, free verse, and concrete poems. The students wrote poems with multiple rhyming verses of 4 lines each. I was really hoping to post some pictures of the students' work but it's all being sorted right now. So you'll have to wait until next Thursday to see it, up close and personal.

Math - Complementary and Supplementary Angles, Triangles, and Area

We covered a bunch of content in math this week. Students applied their addition, subtraction, and angles skills to determine complementary and supplementary angles in a variety of different problems. Basically this involved finding a 'missing angle', using a 90 degree or 180 degree angle as a referent.

For Triangles, the Grade 3/4 expectations are pretty simple - just identifying and drawing different types of triangles, including right triangles, isosceles triangles, and equilateral triangles. When we talked about Area, we also talked about how you can find the area of a Right triangle the same way that you would for a rectangle, and then divide it in half, because a right triangle is half of a rectangle.


We did a lot of French this week in preparation for the French Party, which was on Wednesday. We learned:

-French numbers to ten

-French basic body words (head, shoulders, knees, feet, eyes, ears, mouth, nose)

-How to say "I would like" (Je voudrais)

-How to say "I have" (J'ai)

-The Bonhomme Song 

The French Party was a blast. Students put their Montessori Practical Life Skills to good use through cutting bread, spreading jam, and eating politely.

Social Studies - Alberta's Natural Resources

We learned about the natural resources found in Alberta. We talked about the uses of Oil and Gas, as well as Agriculture and Forestry.


We learned a bunch more letters in Cursive and will finish the cursive alphabet before the end of the year. Every student will be able to sign their name!

Indigenous Peoples' Day

We attended an assembly, and then went outside as a whole school to find 'sit spots'. I was incredibly impressed with the students in Room 6 for their calmness, patience, and contentedness to just sit quietly and observe the world around them. 

Stay tuned for the FINAL spelling words of the school year, and have a nice weekend!


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