Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday, May 8

 Hi parents, 

We had another good day today. In the morning, we made new kickball teams, which means we have to retire "The Toxic Tigers" and "The 90's Kids". We will be taking team photos on Monday, May 13 to commemorate them. Students may want to wear their team colours, totally optional.

Today was Hats on for Mental Health Day, and as such, we did a lot of work around mindfulness, and mental wellbeing. I told the cautionary tale of my second year of university, and how sometimes, having freedom to eat whatever you want and play as many video games as you want actually isn't the key to happiness. The students seemed to think this was pretty obvious so that's a little embarrassing. 

We did an activity where we tried to clear our minds, and became 'watchers' of our own thought patterns. The students wrote down thoughts that popped into their heads despite them trying not to think about anything. We talked about how it can be helpful to become aware of your thought patterns so you can address things that might be causing stress on a sub-conscious level throughout your day.

In math, we finished using the golden beads to teach long division. The grade 3s wrote their own division word problems.

In the afternoon, we had music, and started an art project about Chullo hats, the traditional Peruvian knitted hats.

I am away at a conference tomorrow and Friday, so enjoy the rest of the week, and have a nice weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14