Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wednesday, April 24

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we read two short stories about recycling and water reduction. We read about the adventure of an aluminum can, as it gets mined, transported, changed into a can, drank from, and then recycled into a baseball bat. It was interesting!

Next, we watched this video as an introduction to our next topic in literacy - public speaking and presentations. The students did an amazing job of noticing all of the things the speaker did well to engage the audience, including: 

-focusing on one topic

-speaking confidently

-asking rhetorical questions

-using props effectively

-moving arms and hands while speaking

I was actually super impressed by how much they caught. I was sure we'd have to watch the video at least a couple more times before they picked up on everything.

The students don't know this yet, but they're going to be writing and presenting their own speeches, on their choice from one of the "Five R's" we've learned so far. Their speeches won't be nearly as long as the examples we're watching in class, but will still ideally be engaging and persuasive, and probably cheesy too.

We continued working with the division bead boards and practicing basic division facts.

In the afternoon, we went outside with our Buddy Class for Buddy Kickball.

We had Music, and ended the day with some social studies and work period.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14