Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday, April 30

  Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we went to the Grade 1 / 2 assembly, which was all about water, and how to save it. I hope it inspired some kids in room 6 who are writing speeches on that same topic!

When we got back to the classroom, we did in fact work on those speeches. The students used sticky notes to add 'hooks', and 'personal stories' to their speeches, because we noticed that a lot of the Ted Talk Kids did that in their speeches. We discussed how telling the audience a 'personal story' is a good way of showing how you are invested in what you're talking about, rather than just reporting a bunch of second-hand information. We also discussed how starting as speech with an engaging hook can help ensure the audience stays with you and pays attention.

We went outside and made snow forts again. I can't believe how many great snow days we've had this year, it's seriously awesome. I do think snow fort building is the ultimate way to build teamwork, creativity, stamina, and strength, so I am determined to take advantage of every snow day we have.

In the afternoon, we learned about Peru, and also about division with remainders.

Have a nice night,


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