Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday, April 18

 Hi parents,

Today we continued on our quest to write better dialogue, by brainstorming "Other Ways To Say 'Said'".

Students looked through chapter books, or just used their imaginations to come up with words like "whispered", "yelled", "thundered", "mumbled", "growled", "squeaked", and more! 

Because there is no school tomorrow, we had our spelling quiz today, and unfortunately it was another rough one. I thought the words this week were easier (not list C) but I guess they were still pretty tough. 

In math, we did yet another Multiplication Check-In. I know we've done a lot lately. They're really helpful for me as its easy to see which students might need extra support. Sometimes with morning math, and our less-formal math tasks, students end up collaborating to find answers and its difficult to determine how much they can do fully independently. I haven't marked this one yet, but I did send home a couple from the last two weeks, in case anyone was confused by which one's which.

In the afternoon, we continued learning about India, and talked about the idea of culture. This was another great discussion that revealed that the students in Room 6 have wisdom beyond their years.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a lovely weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14