Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday, April 22

 Hi parents,

Happy Earth Day! 

Today we spent a lot of time talking about ways we can have a positive impact on the earth, through the "5 R's" (they added two more):






The students brainstormed ways that they could do each of these things - and they came up with pretty impressive lists! We also looked for ways that we already do these things in the classroom, such as using pencils until they're tiny, filling up every page in spelling / math books before getting a new one, keeping half the lights off, and reusing cubbies / chairs even when kids put stickers on them.

We're going to be focusing on how we can take care of the planet all week, so please continue the conversation at home!

Speaking of conversation, in writing, the students wrote about a conversation they had on the weekend. This gave them a chance to put their knowledge of quotation marks, adverbs, and more interesting words for 'said' to the test.

In math, we officially started to learn division, using these great Numberblocks videos:

And in the afternoon we also did Daily LA.

Have a nice night,


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