Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday, March 20

Hi parents,

We had a pretty fun day today. In the morning, the students prepared for "student led conferences" by writing about work they were most proud of, or creating 'event maps' to show their plans for which work they'd like to share. I'm going to provide a cheat sheet to parents as well that feature the 'must-see' work. Sometimes kids just want to show off their art.

In math, we had a mini quiz for multiplication, mostly to check in and see if we're ready to move on to more complicated concepts. In a word - yes, we are. The students did such an amazing job on this quiz, I couldn't believe how many perfect or near-perfect scores there were, and if there were mistakes, they were incredibly minor.

We played bench dodgeball in gym and had some excellent matches! Teams were coming up with unique strategies, and sometimes they really paid off!

In the afternoon, we worked on our novel studies, and then did a big clean-up. We ended the day with Daily LA.

Today was sadly Mr. Wade's last day :(  But we celebrated his time with us by making one giant table, and having "DJ Day", where the students finally got their song requests fulfilled.

Three Big Things:


1. Sign up for conferences if you haven't already.

2. Return field trip forms tomorrow!

3. Send shoeboxes if you have any.

Have a nice night!


"Book in a Box" Exemplar. Whoever made this clearly had help from their mom.

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Pajama Day - March 14