Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Tuesday, February 6

 Hi parents,

We had a really good day today! It was a testament to how much the students can do when they focus and stay on task. We ended up having a lot of free time today - not for lack of work, but because everyone worked so efficiently. 

In the morning, we reviewed the six natural regions of Alberta, and the students created pages in their sketchbooks to showcase them. They drew beautiful landscapes and wrote jot notes to summarize their defining features.

After that, we learned how to use protractors to measure angles. I expected this to be way more challenging than it was (based on previous years), but the kids really enjoyed it, and had it pretty much mastered within an hour.

Our first tea time Tuesday was a big success. I'd like to start doing "Tea Time Tuesday" on the first Tuesday of each month.

In the afternoon, we had work period, spelling practice time, and then Ms. Davies (who teaches morning kindergarten, and is also a very talented artist) led an art lesson on drawing pattern snakes. 

Have a nice night,


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