Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday, February 12

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today! The students did some fantastic writing in the morning, where they had the choice to either write about their weekend, or, to write a "really short story", using 5-7 sentences. The purpose of this second task was to help students see the importance of having a plan before starting a story. Often, when students write stories, they'll do an amazing job introducing the characters, and setting the scene, but then eventually they'll lose interest and end with "to be continued".  We're going to start doing a lot more creative / story writing in the upcoming months, so this task served as a good baseline to see where everyone's at.

In math, we learned the vocabulary terms "ray", "line segment", and "vertex". The students used their protractors to draw and measure angles, while also identifying the vertexes, line segments, and rays in their work.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and Spelling Practice, and had some extra work period time as well.

Have a nice night,


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