Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday, February 9

 Hi parents,

We ended our week on a high note today. In the morning, Mr. Wade concluded his 3-part lesson series on editing and revision. Earlier in the week, he'd challenged the students to write as much as they could, about any topic, in 5 minutes. Today, the students revisited that writing, and edited out the repetition and run-on sentences. As you can probably guess, there was quite a bit to fix!

We did a bit of a quiz in social studies today, on the natural regions of Alberta. The students did awesome with this activity. It's clear that they know the main features of each region, and we can start moving on to new topics. 

We also concluded our Mad Minute saga, and the students brought their mad minute booklets home. We talked about how progress is almost never linear - the line charts on the front of their booklets are evident of that! Feel free to complete the extra problems at home if you'd like your child to get some more practice.

The students wrote their spelling quizzes, and we ended our day with a big classroom cleanup, and a bonus Music class.

Have a nice weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14