Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday, January 31

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. It was fun to see the literary character costumes, and Rooms 2 and 3 put on a great assembly. 

In the morning, we talked about the terms 'protagonist' and 'antagonist', and the students wrote in their journals about their favourite heroes and villains. Again, they did an excellent job on this one.

We're working on building more efficient work habits for the morning work period. We tried working for a solid 15 minutes, in complete silence, to see how much we could get done, and a lot of students were able to finish all their math and French work in that short time! In a Montessori classroom, students who finish early get to work on 'Responsible Work Choices' - lots of students complain that they wish they had more time in the day for these. The best way to make that happen is by completing routine work more quickly!

In the afternoon, we continued learning about wheels, axles, and vehicles. This time the grade 3s worked with K-Nex, while the Grade 4s got to use Lego.

Thanks to your Scholastic Book Orders, we now have enough money to buy another K-Nex set for the classroom - this one is focused on Simple Machines, and pairs really nicely with all the work we're doing in Science.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14