Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday, January 17

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the class learned about 'commas', and practiced using them in sentences. We discussed how commas can be used to list things, to indicate pauses, and to separate related ideas in writing. The students did quite well with this, so I'm hoping to see commas popping up more frequently in their regular writing tasks.

In math, we continued to learn about measurement. The students measured a variety of things in the classroom using centimetres, and then measured those same objects in millimetres, building a stronger understanding of how the two units are closely related.

We continued to learn about 'forces' in Science, though this was the first time we formally introduced the topic. We studied Newton's First Law, which states: "An object that is not moving will stay still until a force makes it move, and an object that is moving will keep moving until a force stops it."

The students experimented by using different forces to move markers (mostly whacking).

Remember that Friday is FOLDING FRIDAY!

Have a nice night,


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