Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday, January 22

 Hi parents,

We had a rowdy day today and the whole class ended up serving 5 minutes of "Listening Club" time at recess. 

That being said, a lot of good learning still happened. It often just took a little longer to get started.

In the morning, we watched this episode of Science Max on Friction, and learned about friction, and some cool experiments we might try soon. We also talked about the term "Applied Force", which is basically any time an object is physically pushed or pulled by a person or thing.

We did a quick experiment with friction, in which we used 3 different inclines and tested which objects would slide down, and which would stay in place. 

In math, we continued working on measurement, by creating Minecraft-inspired self portraits, and measuring the perimeters as well as the area. Thankfully this was done on grid paper, so the students didn't need rulers or multiplication.

In the afternoon we did some fact-fluency practice (the return of the Mad Minute), practiced spelling, and did Daily LA.

Have a nice night!


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