Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday, January 19

 Hi parents,

Happy Folding Friday! 

We had a pretty good day today. Energy levels were a bit high during our folding lessons and I'm worried the kids didn't fully grasp how meditative it can be to fold clothes. That being said, I think it went really well overall, and if nothing else, the students walked away with some basic skills, and an awareness of how organization can help them in their daily lives.

We also talked about how having the discipline to fold and put away your own clothes can be a great way of showing responsibility. If you always remember to fold your clothes, you're more likely to remember to feed a pet, pack a lunch, get to bed on time, etc.

We had Music today, which is rare for Fridays, and did some more measurement in math. The students learned how they can measure large objects using a single ruler, through iteration (repeatedly using the ruler to mark increments of 30cms).

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a great weekend!


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